“A dreamlike experience.”

The colors flow really well and you know what you're doing so keep doing it!— D.M.

“I can’t wait until next summer!”

"Now that you've done the inside, My outside looks terrible...can you put me on your schedule"!

— M.T.


“Everything we wanted and more.”

"Katie said you were good... and when you're good, you're good"!

— Jeene

“Unforgettable.  You're the man!”

The paint that is used does half of the work.  Applying it in the right environment and prepared substrates is the other!



“Stellar, professional service.”

"you seem to know what youre talking about and you come highly recommended..."

— Mary Anne

“so nice and neat... this is a far cry from what it was!”

The restoration work in these two rooms took 15 years to undertake... You took two weeks!

— Nancy


Loved by customers and businesses Citywide for now